SAMBA's Expert Blog
on Aesthetic Medicine

Explore the dynamic world of aesthetic medicine with the SAMBA Aesthetic Medicine Blog. Our experts delve into the latest trends, innovations, and ethical aspects, offering a comprehensive view on the evolving landscape of aesthetics.

Latest Articles

France takes the lead in the fight against illegal injections

On Friday May 31, a decree was published in the French Journal Officiel, limiting the purchase and use of intradermal and subcutaneous hyaluronic acid to doctors and dental surgeons.
image featuring a detailed map of Europe with a syringe placed on top of it, symbolizing the field of aesthetic medicine across the continen

Authorizations to practice aesthetic medicine in Europe

Discover the keys to practicing aesthetic medicine in Europe: our comprehensive guide explores the legal procedures, accredited training courses and necessary authorizations. Whether you're a new practitioner or looking to retrain, this article is your gateway to a successful career in aesthetics.

The Pioneers of Aesthetic Medicine: Interview with Dr Roland Ney and Dr Luigi Polla

Exploring the roots and recent developments of aesthetic medicine, we had the privilege of dialoguing with Dr Roland Ney and Dr Luigi Polla. Through their exceptional careers and significant advances, these pioneers have profoundly influenced the field of aesthetic medicine.

Careers in aesthetic medicine

In the ever-evolving field of aesthetic medicine, understanding the different career options and qualifications required is essential for those wishing to make their way in it. This article provides an overview of the multiple career paths, highlighting the roles, appropriate training, and regulatory standards essential for success in this specialized sector.

Botulinum protein and hyaluronic acid: what’s the difference, Doctor?

We regularly hear in consultation: "Doctor; OK for hyaluronic acid, but not botox. Hyaluronic acid is natural, we have it in our skin." Yes, it's true that hyaluronic acid is present in the dermis, but that doesn't mean that the hyaluronic acid injected for anti-aging purposes is "natural".

The plague of fake injectors

Faced with the rise of "fake injectors" in aesthetic medicine, it becomes crucial to understand this alarming trend. These practices not only compromise patient safety, but also undermine confidence in the profession. This article explores the risks associated with these unqualified actors, and highlights the importance of proper training.

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