Step 5: Diploma Achievement

Upon completion of the workshop, you will be awarded the SAMBA Full Diploma, a testament to your comprehensive training and newfound proficiency in aesthetic medicine.

Step 4: Hands-On Workshop in Switzerland

Once you’ve successfully passed the final exam, participate in an immersive workshop in Switzerland. This hands-on experience allows you to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios, under expert guidance.

Step 3: Final Examination

After completing your modules, test your expertise with the final exam. Passing this crucial assessment is your gateway to the next practical phase of your aesthetic medicine education.

Step 2: Comprehensive Learning

Dive into 11 meticulously structured modules, encompassing 104 e-courses. Throughout your studies, validate your knowledge with multiple-choice quizzes in each module, ensuring a solid grasp of key concepts.

Discover SAMBA - Live Info Session

Join our online session to explore SAMBA’s aesthetic medicine training program.

We’ll cover key topics including:

  • Legal Prerequisites: Required skills and qualifications.
  • Diploma Recognition: Where and how the SAMBA diploma is recognized.
  • Career Opportunities: Post-diploma paths and potential income.
  • Starting Out: Tips for launching your career in aesthetic medicine.
  • Why Choose SAMBA: What sets our program apart.
  • CME Credits: Information on Continuing Medical Education credits.
  • Registration: How to enroll
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Welcome to SAMBA!
Let's talk about your aesthetic medicine project.